August 26, 2011 - Geneva College
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August 26, 2011

Picture of August 26, 2011


With the start of the 2011-12 academic year in sight, students have started to return to Geneva College. But the campus hasn't exactly been quiet the past few weeks-resident assistants have been training and preparing for their dorms to fill up; the fall sports teams have been hard at practice for the upcoming season; and the marching band has spent the last week preparing to field one of the largest groups in Geneva′s history.

At 124 members, the 2011 marching band has a record number of woodwind players and instrumentalists. Musicians, color guard members and majorettes began reporting to band camp on August 17, and spent the following week working on music and drills for the fall football season. Then, to wrap up camp on this past Tuesday evening, the marching band performed an informal parade through the College Hill neighborhood of Beaver Falls.

Band director and music department chair Donald Kephart noted that this street parade has become an annual tradition. "It lets Beaver Falls know ‘we're back!′" Kephart exclaimed. "The parade is also a great way to let the community know how much we appreciate their support."

First-year students moved on campus on Wednesday, August 24, and the remainder of the student body will arrive on campus the weekend of August 27-28.

Geneva College is a comprehensive Christian college of the arts, sciences and professional studies. Founded in the tradition of the Reformed Christian faith, Geneva prepares students to serve Christ in all areas of society: work, family and the church. Geneva College′s philosophy of education is based on the Foundational Concepts of Christian Higher Education. Geneva is a founding member of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU).


Aug 26, 2011