Katelyn Stransky - History


Katie is a junior at Geneva and is a history major. She is an officer of the history club and really enjoys an event sponsored by the history club called Profs for History. This event is a great time where the history club invites professors from different departments to discuss how history interacts with each discipline. Katie enjoys these events since they show how history is important in all areas of life. 

Another reason Katie loves Geneva is that Geneva has a history of its own. Geneva College was a stop on the Underground Railroad and sheltered fugitives who sought freedom in the North. Katie loves being a part of that history. She also loves being a part of a small-community atmosphere where it is obvious that professors are friends with one another and strive to ensure each course is interconnected and flows with one another. Katie’s great experience is one she genuinely appreciates. She hopes others will study history at Geneva College.

History isn't just about the facts and dates. It's about the people and the relationships they have which connect us all.” Katelyn Stransky