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Gurney Photo Album
A Selection: Ivor Gurney’s Later Years
Notes & Tips on viewing

Gurney: 1905 – War-1915 – High Wycombe in 1919– 1920 Stormy & Pensive – 1922 –
Asylum - Reads & Reflects – Twigworth – Grave
Severn River & Valley –Wainlode Hill –A Meadow –A Pond –Gloucester Cathedral
Severn & Cathedral – 1900s Eastgate Street – Eastgate in 1920s – Father’s Shop –His Parents& Siblings
Gloucestershire Landmarks on Greeting Cards


Photo taken by Marion Scott of Ivor Gurney


“One summer when he was laid up in bed for several weeks beneath the east window of a big dormitory ward, I had gone to visit him and he said, ‘There was a beautiful dawn this morning.’ 

‘But how did you see it?’ I exclaimed. 

‘O, I saw it in the mirror on the opposite wall,’ 
he replied.’”  

Marion Scott


during his Asylum Years. [Blevins] INDEX



“ . . . Evil flowed black like a tide 
Of darkness over me. ”

From Chance to Work
in The Collected Poems, 269.

Ivor Gurney in Asylum, 1922-1937.INDEX


I went to his funeral, 
a sad little affair at Twigworth, 
and H.H. played Sleep and Severn Meadows
on a wheezy little organ, 
whilst his brother Ronald stood by … 
Poor Marion Scott, in tears at the end, 
but remarkably brave and calm 
considering how much it must have meant to her.

From the account of Gurney’s funeral, as Gerald Finzi described the scene to
Howard Ferguson.  [Hurd, Ordeal of Ivor Gurney, 181.]

Parish Church of St. Matthew at Twigworth and the vicarage. [Blevins] INDEX


1890 - 1937


Ivor Gurney's grave at Twigworth. [Blevins] INDEX


Thanks to Pamela Blevins and Tony Boden for contributing several of the above photographs.  Many of the rest come from Michael Hurd’s Ordeal of Ivor Gurney (Oxford University Press, 1978).

Tips on viewing the Gurney Photo Album: For best viewing, select a photo by clicking on the short caption in the INDEX at the top or bottom of the page.  After viewing, look for the caption at the bottom of the photo, and click on the word INDEX to return to the top.  Repeat.

Gurney: 1905 – War-1915 – High Wycombe in 1919– 1920 Stormy & Pensive – 1922 –
Asylum - Reads & Reflects – Twigworth – Grave
Severn River & Valley –Wainlode Hill –A Meadow –A Pond –Gloucester Cathedral
Severn & Cathedral – 1900s Eastgate Street – Eastgate in 1920s – Father’s Shop –His Parents& Siblings
Gloucestershire Landmarks on Greeting Cards

 To contact the Ivor Gurney webmaster,
write to David Kenneth Smith.
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