Other Things to Consider

So you have narrowed your search down to just a few institutions. In the midst of all the stress and excitement, it is important to not forget to take a step back from the whole process and look at the institution objectively. Aside from just the academic programs and research facilities, would you even enjoy attending an institution in a major city? How about the cost? Do they offer well-compensated graduate assistantships? Is there a political climate on campus that clashes with your beliefs and values? Often overlooked, these are some factors that may seem inconsequential now, but may cause you to leave the institution a few months into your studies when they become overbearing. Below is a list of things to consider when making your final decision on furthering your education.

Things to Consider:

Location: Area of the Country
Ethos/Mission: Political Activism
Areas of Study: Program Availability
Flexibility in Changing Focus
Friends and Family: Far/Close to Home
Adequate Transportation
Faculty: Accessibility
Hirability: Companies that Hire from Institution
Local/National Companies
Alumni: Typical Work from Graduates
Educational Satisfaction
Costs: Cost of Living
Types of Financial Aid Available
Graduate Assistantships
Work-Study Programs

This is not an exhaustive list. It's purpose is to prompt additional thinking when deciding on a graduate school. If there is another general question we have not addressed, please feel free contact the Career Development Center at 724.847.6572 or cardev@geneva.edu. For more specific questions or concerns, contact the particular institution for guidance.