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The Geneva College Adult Degree Programs could change your life or the life of someone you know. So even if you are a Geneva grad or current student, please share this email with others.

"What Degree Should I Get?"

Susan McKinnis
This question is common among those looking to complete a bachelor’s degree. For adults, it is especially important because many of them have come to this crossroads after stopping at many seemingly dead ends. This new determination begins with a simple directional question: which major should I choose?

It’s a good question, but has an even better answer. Human Resources graduate Susan McKinnis came to the Geneva College Adult Degree Program as an adult student with two school aged children and one part-time job in the non-profit sector. When she began her educational journey, she wanted to be a teacher, and now, years later, she wanted to finish a degree. “My undergraduate experience started when my kids started school… however, circumstances made it very hard to continue,” she recalls.

At the time of her enrollment, her option was Human Resources, but Susan has used a combination of her education, her degree, and her work experience to forge the career path that is right for her. Far from boxing her into a job in a human resources department, the degree she earned has helped her explore her skills in the human services field.

 As is the case in many adult degree classrooms, Susan met a fellow student that gave her the opportunity that she needed. “I met a wonderful woman who, with her husband, owned a local business school.  She offered me a full-time position as campus administrator which I gladly accepted and truly enjoyed.” After nine years in the human resources field, Susan explored other career opportunities and discovered her talent and interests were piqued as a caretaker and other service related jobs. Instead of feeling ill-prepared with a Human Resources bachelor’s degree, she discovered that it was applicable in all fields. “’Human Resources’ is always present in relationships with coworkers, administration and the public in general,” she remarks. The degree proved to be a worthwhile investment that has benefited her as she stretched her skills and portfolio, including her current role in community education at a local crisis shelter.

But perhaps the greatest joy of receiving her bachelor’s degree was seeing both of her children earn theirs as well. “I like to think that the Geneva College Adult Degree Program experience set a positive example for them. The real world experiences of being an adult learner and juggling the multiple responsibilities make that degree even more valuable.” The advice she collected on her journey she has passed on to her children and now to any considering or enrolled in college:  “Keep your eyes on the goal and don’t look back because you’re not going in that direction.”

Awarding Academic Excellence

To help adults who are seeking an accredited bachelor’s degree, Geneva offers scholarships of up to $3,000 off the total cost of tuition for any Adult Degree Programs major, either classroom-based or fully online.

The scholarships are awarded at a rate of up to $1,000 per semester (for up to three semesters), providing additional financial assistance for adult students. Students must have a transfer cumulative combined GPA of at least 3.25 to be eligible to receive a scholarship for the first semester of their degree program major. To renew the scholarship for a maximum of three semesters, students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.2

Our Student Financial Services Office is committed to providing financial information and solutions for students from all economic backgrounds. Be sure to speak to your enrollment counselor to understand the various loans, grants and scholarships available. If you are a service member or eligible for tuition benefits from your employer, let your enrollment counselor know to ensure the best possible financial aid.


November 2017

Upcoming Classes


Online Majors

Aging Services
Criminal Justice
Child & Family Services
Organizational Leadership Management
Human Resources
Public Relations

Online Starts

Jan. 8, 2018
Mar. 5, 2018


Classroom Majors

Christian Ministry Leadership
Pittsburgh - January 8, 2018

Human Services
Beaver Falls - January 9, 2018
Pittsburgh - January 9, 2018

Visit our website for more information, or call 800.576.3111 to set up a personal visit.

Class Starts & Sites

Words to Lead by

"Start by doing what is necessary; then do what is possible; and suddenly you're doing the impossible." — St. Francis of Assisi

Questions? Comments?
Contact us at


Geneva College
3200 College Ave.
Beaver Falls, PA 15010