Ben Mills


Ben Mills is Chemical Engineering major at Geneva College. He enrolled at Geneva as a member of the Honors Program. Even with a rigorous course load, Ben was able to study abroad with Geneva in Rome and developed a taste for the expanse and diverse cultures of the world. While in Rome, Ben used the opportunity to visit neighboring countries and garnered an extensive collection of stories from Italy, Germany, France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

Along with his study abroad experience, Ben has found time to get involved in many campus activities—athletics (club rugby team), performing arts (The Genevans student choir) and employment (at the Crossroad’s office, which aims to help students enroll in study abroad programs all over the globe).

When asked about his favorite classes, Ben’s immediate response is “Humanities.” He says that the thought-provoking questions and how the professors relate the humanities to a Christian worldview have been extremely beneficial. “When I was in Rome, Dr. Cole and I became really close. He teaches Humanities and we had some really in-depth discussions about what it means to be a Christian.”

-Celia Harris ’16