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New Perspectives on Ivor Gurney’s Mental Illness
by Pamela Blevins

Gary Clark, Mon, 16 Oct 2000:

    I suppose I speak from a biased standpoint when I praise this scholarship, but so be it.
    I found this perspective to be totally engrossing and a tremendous help in understanding the nature of Gurney's illness and lack of proper diagnosis/treatment.  Pam outlines the path taken and takes us down it in one continuous string of cause and effect.  While reading, I could not help saying to myself "how could this happen"?
    After I finished, I took ahold of that photo of Gurney in his uniform that was taken (I believe) after a battle, and in that photo you see what combat soldiers refer to as 'the thousand  mile stare', that empty void, that despair that battle brings.  Reading Pam's article has a similar
effect, in that you can almost feel Gurney's despair in a world gone mad.  She deserves the highest of praise for helping me understand this aspect of another soldiers life.  I am certainly grateful and fortunate to have the opportunity to look into his soul.
Dave Goodland, Sun, 22 Oct 2000:
...In the meantime may I recommend Pam Blevin's article on Ivor's mental state on the IVOR GURNEY WEBSITE. It's the most sensible and comprehensive viewpoint I've ever seen. It comes with the usual Blevin's in-depth research... so it must be taken seriously.

Response to Blevins: 
New Perspectives on Ivor Gurney’s Mental Illness

If you would like to respond to what Blevins has written, or contribute other Perspectives, Opinions, or Commentary on Ivor Gurney, please write to: ivor@gurney.net
Subject to editorial review, responses will be posted on this site.


Manic-depressive illness and schizophrenia
Florence Gurney, a life of disappointment
From mother to son — the genetic factor
A stranger to his family
The first breakdown — Euphoria and despair
War — an unlikely respite
A romantic interlude
The asylum
The last years


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