A Selective Bibliography
With occasional annotations |
Acton, Carol Gillian. “Paradox in Parenthesis: A Comparative Study of the War Poetry of Wilfred Owen, Charles Sorley, Isaac Rosenberg, Ivor Gurney, and David Jones.” Ph.d. diss., Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada, 1989. [DA0564362; oclc#2130577; 4 microfiches held only in National Library of Canada]
Banerjee, Jacqueline. “Ivor Gurney’s ‘Dark March’ - Is It Really Over?” English Studies: A Journal of English Language 70 (1 April 1989): 115-31.
Banfield, Stephen. “Location and Dislocation in the Music of Ivor Gurney,” Ivor Gurney Society Journal 7 (2001): 33-42.
Banfield, Stephen. Sensibility and English Song: Critical Studies of the Early 20th Century. 2 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985.
Barker, Jonathan. “Severn and Somme: Collected Poems of Ivor Gurney.” Agenda 21 (Spring 1983): 79-90.
Barnes, A. F., ed. The Story of the 2/5th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment, 1914-1918. Gloucester, England: The Crypt House Press, Ltd., 1930.
Blevins, Pamela. “Annie Drummond’s Treasured Memory.” The Ivor Gurney Society Journal 3 (1997): 37-42.
Blevins, Pamela. Ivor Gurney and Marion Scott: Song of Pain and Beauty. Woodbridge, England: Boydell Press, 2008. [More Information. Will be released in November, 2008. It is now available via pre-order from the publisher, and from Amazon US, or from Amazon UK.]
Blevins, Pamela. “Ivor Gurney and Walt Whitman.” The Ivor Gurney Newsletter no. 9 (August 1997). [Traces Whitman’s influence on the poetry and music of Gurney, including several Whitman songs he composed in 1925.]
Blevins, Pamela. “Ivor Gurney: ‘There is dreadful hell within me…’” The British Music Society Journal 19 (1997): 11-27.
Blevins, Pamela. “Ivor Gurney, Wilfred Owen and T. Ratcliffe Barnett in Scotland.” The Ivor Gurney Society Journal 4 (1998): 35-42.
Blevins, Pamela. “Marion Scott: In Time To Come.” The Maud Powell Signature 1 (Spring/Summer 1996): 6-11, 23-26.
Blevins, Pamela. “Marion Scott — The Writer,” Ivor Gurney Society Journal 7 (2001): 43-52.
Blevins, Pamela, and Jill Robinson. “A Journey Through a Darkening Landscape — Ivor Gurney and Edward Thomas.” In Aspects of British Song: A Miscellany of Essays, ed. Brian Blyth Daubney, 49-63. London: The British Music Society, 1992.
Blevins, Pamela, “The Secret Love of Ivor Gurney”, Evergreen Quarterly (Autumn 1999): 46-53. [Explores Gurney’s relationship with VAD nurse Annie Nelson Drummond. Blevins: “It is sort of amusing actually since I submitted the article SIX YEARS ago and it is only just now coming out in print. Unfortunately back then before I had done all the research on Gurney's mental condition I used the term “paranoid schizophrenic” which I would NEVER use today. However, this piece was aimed for a very general public and I am more concerned that readers discover him via this piece than on a point like the nature of his illness. The title is NOT mine.”]
Bloom, Harold, ed. Twentieth-Century British Literature. Vol. 2. The Chelsea House Library of Literary Criticism. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. S.v. “Ivor Gurney.”
Brown, Mark William. “Ivor Gurney and Edward Thomas: A Distinction.” P. N. Review 22 (November/December 1995): 44-48.
Brown, Mark William. “Music and Lyrics by Ivor Gurney.” The Ivor Gurney Society Journal 3 (1997): 25-36.
Brown, Mark William. “The Poetry of Ivor Gurney: A Study of Influences.” Ph.D. diss., Vanderbilt University, 1989. [DA9102824]
Burtch, M. A. “Ivor Gurney - A Revaluation.” Musical Times 96 (October 1955): 529-530.
Carder, Richard. “Long Shadows Fall: A Study of Ivor Gurney’s Songs to His Own Poems,” British Music Society Journal 15 (1993): 34-70.
Costantini, Monica. “Ivor Gurney: Lyrical Minaturist.” Tesi di laurea in lingue e letterature straniere moderne, University of Padua, 1997.
Curtis, Liane. “Rebecca Clarke and the British Musical Renaissance,” Ivor Gurney Society Journal 7 (2001): 53-66.
Dale, Kathleen. “Ivor Gurney, 1890-1937: Composer and Poet.” Listener (December 3, 1959): 1013.
Dunnett, Roderic. “Ivor Gurney.” Agenda 29 (1991): 70-75.
Dunnett, Roderic. “Patterns of Bright Green: Gurney the Musician.” The Ivor Gurney Society Journal 1 (1995): 33-45.
Dunnett, Roderic. “The Rightness of Gurney.” The
Ivor Gurney Society Journal 2 (1996): 29-60.
Finzi, Gerald. The Composer’s Use of Words: Three Lectures Delivered at the Royal College of Music, London. In three parts. Photostat copy of manuscript. London: Royal College of Music, 1955.
Finzi, Gerald. Oh Fair to See: Seven Songs for High Voice and Piano. London: Boosey & Hawkes, 1966. [Includes Finzi's setting of Gurney's poem, ‘Only the Wanderer’ (‘Severn Meadows’)]
Foreman, Ronald Lewis Edmund. “The British Musical Renaissance: A Guide to Research.” Vol. 1: Literature Survey, vol. 2: Bibliographies, and vol. 3: Primary and Unpublished Sources. Thesis, Fellowship of the Library Association, London, 1972.
Garlick, Barbara. “At the Marge — Re-reading Ivor Gurney.” The Ivor Gurney Society Journal 2 (1996): 17-27.
Giddings, Robert. The War Poets. New York: Orion Books, 1988.
Giles, Richard F., ed. Hopkins Among the Poets: Studies in Modern Responses to Gerard Manley Hopkins. “Hopkins and Gurney,” chapter by Michael D. Moore. Monograph Series/ International Hopkins Association, vol. 3. Hamilton, Ontario: International Hopkins Association, 1985.
Graham, Desmond. “‘Out of the heart’s sickness’: Ivor
Gurney as a Poet of War,,”
Ivor Gurney Society Journal 7
(2001): 7-32.
Greene, Harry Plunket and Marion M. Scott. “Ivor Gurney: The Man.” Music and Letters 19 (January 1938): 2-7.
Grigson, Geoffrey. “A Modernist Incomplete: Ivor Gurney.” In Blessings, Kicks and Curses: A Critical Collection. London: Alison & Busby, 1982.
Haines, John. “Famous West Countrymen II: Mr. Ivor Gurney, Poet and Musician.” The Gloucester Countryside 3 (January 1938): 295-96.
Haines, John. “An Hour with Books: Mr. Ivor Gurney, a Gloucestershire Poet.” The Gloucester Journal (January 5, 1835): 28.
Harvey, F. W. [Frederick William]. Comrades in Captivity: A Record of Life in Seven German Prison Camps. London: Sidgwick and Jackson, Ltd., 1920.
Hayler, R. A. “Strange Hells: A Study of the Poetry of Ivor Gurney.” MPhil thesis, University of London, 1973.
Herendeen, David Warren. “Lanes of Severn: Ivor Gurney as Illustrated by His War Songs, 1915-1918.” A.Mus.D. diss., University of Arizona, 1993. [Analyzes 6 songs from war years: Bierside, Fiddler, In Flanders, Folly, The Scribe, Severn Meadows; considers circumstances of composition, choice of text, declamation, harmonic language, use of piano, “aesthetic intent”, and uses Gurney’s letters and poetry “to support and clarify these analytical and aesthetic observations.” DA9328568]
Hill, Geoffrey. “Gurney’s ‘Hobby’.” Essay in Criticism: A Quarterly Journal of Literary Criticism 34 (April 1984): 97-128.
Hillman, Rodney. “Discoveries and Celebrations: Ivor Gurney as Great War Poet.” The Ivor Gurney Society Journal 2 (1996): 5-16.
Hoffpauir, Richard. “The War Poetry of Edmund Blunden and Ivor Gurney.” P. N. Review 12 (1985): 46-50.
Hold, Trevor. “Ivor Gurney: Poet and Composer.” Musical Times 131 (1 August 1990): 414-417.
Hold, Trevor. “Two Aspects of ‘Sleep’: A Study in English Song-Writing.” Music Review 41 (February 1980): 26-35.
Hooker, Jeremy. “Honouring Ivor Gurney.” P. N. Review 7 (1980): 16-19.
Howells, Herbert. “Marion Margaret Scott: 1877-1953.” Music and Letters 35 (April 1954): 134-35.
Howes, Frank. “An English Schubert?” The Radio Times 60 (July 15, 1938): 12-13.
Hughes, Richard. “From Severn to Somme: The War Songs of Ivor Gurney.” Ph.D. diss., n.p., 1980.
Hughes, Richard. “Ivor Gurney’s Western Front Songs,” Ivor Gurney Society Journal 7 (2001): 91-116.
Hurd, Michael. “Gurney’s Unpublishable (?) Songs.” The
Ivor Gurney Society Journal 4 (1998): 7-18.
Kavanagh, P. J. “Being Just: Ivor Gurney and the ‘Poetic Sensibility.’” Grand Street 9 (Spring 1990): 235-49.
King, Penelope Joy. “‘Honour,’ ‘heroics,’ and ‘bullshit’: Ivor Gurney’s Private Vision.” Critical Survey 2 (1990): 144-150.
King, Penelope Joy. “‘Songs from Exile’: A Critical Evaluation of the Poetry of Ivor Gurney.” Ph.D. thesis, University of Birmingham, 1991.
King, Penelope Joy. “A Tale of Heroic Courage: Some Tensions in the Concept of Masculinity in Ivor Gurney’s Poetry.” The Ivor Gurney Society Journal 1 (1995): 20-32.
Kirkpatrick, D. L., ed. [St. James] Reference Guide to English Literature. 2d ed. Vol. 1, Introductions, Writers A-G. Chicago: St. James Press, [1991]. S.v. “Gurney, Ivor,” by Joan Grundy. Amazon
Lewis, Stephen. “The Glorious Glosters” [resource on-line]; available from http://members.tripod.com/~Glosters/; Internet; accessed 15 February, 1999. [A Web history from 1694 to the present of the various battalions that have comprised the Gloucestershire Regiments, including accounts of their various battles.]
Longshaw, Peter. “Severn & Somme: Songs and Sonnets.” The Ivor Gurney Society Journal 1 (1995): 5-19.
Lucas, John. “Edward Thomas, Ivor Gurney and English Socialism.” The Ivor Gurney Society Journal 4 (1998): 19-34.
Lucas, John. Ivor Gurney. (Writers and Their Work Series) Northcote House Pub Ltd/ British Council, Tavistock, Devon, 2001. [ISBN: 0746308876, Paperback. WARNING: Please read the reviews before quoting, recommending, or purchasing.]
Mackerness, E. D. “The Poetry of Ivor Gurney.” Review of English Literature 3 (April 1962): 68-77.
Markus, Helmut. “Gedichte aus den Kriegen: Ivor Gurneys ‘To His Love’ und Gavin Ewarts ‘When the Beau Goes In.’” Anglistik & Englischunterricht 26 (1985): 127-146.
Martin, Cathy. “‘Nearer Walt Whitman’s perfect man’? Ivor Gurney’s American Poems,” Ivor Gurney Society Journal 7 (2001): 67-80.
Mellers, Wilfrid H. “Ivor Gurney and the English Art-Song.” Scrutiny 7 (December 1938): 332-336.
Mellers, Wilfrid H. “Requiescat for Ivor Gurney.” The Ivor Gurney Society Journal 3 (1997): 7-24.
Moore, Charles W. [Charles Willard]. “Ivor Gurney, English Poet in Song.” NATS Bulletin 20 (February 1964): 12-14.
Moore, Charles W. [Charles Willard]. Maker and Lover of Beauty: Ivor Gurney, Poet and Songwriter. With illustrations by Richard Walker and an introduction by Herbert Howells. Rickmansworth: Triad Press, 1976.
Moore, Charles W. [Charles Willard]. “The Solo Works of Ivor Gurney (1890-1937).” Ph.D. diss., Indiana University, 1966 [1967]. [ DA6714239, oclc#26918318]
Moore, T. Sturge [Thomas Sturge]. Some Soldier Poets. London: Grant Richards, 1919. Amazon - Borders - BookbuyersOutlet - ChaptersGlobe -
New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. S.v. “Gurney, Ivor (Bertie),” by Michael Hurd.
Nichol, John R. “Ivor Gurney: The Making of the Poet; an examination of the development of the poetic sensibility and technical capabilities of Ivor Gurney, with reference to the poetry of Edward Thomas and Edmund Blunden.” Ph.D. diss., Worcester College, 1979.
Northcote, Sydney. Byrd to Britten: A Survey of English Song. New York: Roy Publishers, 1966.
Osborne, Corryne Louise. “The Songs of Ivor Gurney 1890-1937.” MMus diss., University of Sheffield, 1983.
Philips, Julian. “Gurney as Lyricist:
The Making of Dread of Starry Majesties.” The Ivor Gurney Society
Journal 1 (1995): 46-58.
Pilkington, Michael. Gurney, Ireland, Quilter, and Warlock. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989.
Pirie, Peter. “Ivor Gurney: Composer.” Stand 33 (Summer 1989): 22-26.
Press, John. Poets of World War I. Windsor, England: Profile Books, Ltd., 1983.
Rattenbury, Arnold. “The Sanity of Ivor Gurney,” Ivor
Gurney Society Journal 6 (2000): 5-22.
Reilly, Catherine W. English Poetry of the First World War: A Bibliography. London: George Prior Publishers, 1978.
Renas, Kim Lawrence. “The Songs of Ivor Gurney as Published by Oxford University Press: A Repertoire Guide.” D.M.A. diss., University of Maryland College Park, 1991. [Uses “descriptive analysis” and rates songs with 1-4 stars. DA9222804, oclc27128673]
Scott, Ben and George Walter. “‘Glory crying for poetry’: Ivor Gurney’s American Poems.” The Ivor Gurney Society Journal 4 (1998): 59-79.
Scott, Ben. “The Obverse of the Canonical: Ivor Gurney and the American Civil War.” The Ivor Gurney Society Journal 4 (1998): 43-58.
Scott, Marion M. “Contemporary British War-Poetry, Music, and Patriotism” Musical Times 58 (March 1, 1917): 120-123.
Scott, Marion M. “Recollections of Ivor Gurney.” Monthly Musical Record 68 (February 1938): 41-46.
Scott, Marion M. “Review of Severn and Somme, by Ivor Gurney.” In R.C.M. Magazine 14 (December 1917): 24-27.
Scott-Kilvert, Ian. British Writers. Edited under the auspices of the British Council. Vol. 6, Thomas Hardy to Wilfred Owen. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, [1983]. S.v. “Poets of World War I,” by John Press.
Silkin, Jon. Gurney: A Play. Iron Press Drama Edition. North Shields, Tyne and Wear, UK: Iron Press, 1985.
Silkin, Jon. “Gurney’s Voices.” Stand Magazine 25 (1984): 22-32.
Silkin, Jon. Out of Battle: The Poetry of the Great War. London: Oxford University Press, 1972. Amazon - Books.com - Borders - ChaptersGlobe - VarsityBooks -
Silkin, Jon, ed. The Penguin Book of First World War Poetry. 2nd ed. Penguin Modern Classics. New York: Penguin Books, 1986. AllDirect - Amazon - Bigwords - Books.com - Borders -
Simpson, A. M. [Adrienne Marie] “Two Georgian Song Writers: Ivor Gurney and Peter Warlock.” MA diss., Wellington University, 1964. [No further information available.]
Sirbaugh, Nora. “Ivor Gurney and his Vision of Gloucestershire in Music.” DMA thesis, Peabody Institute, John Hopkins University, 1994. [L.12]
Sirbaugh, Nora. “Reflections on Singing Ivor Gurney.” The Ivor Gurney Society Journal 2 (1996): 61-69.
Smith, David Kenneth. “An Interpretive Analysis of Three Early Songs of Ivor Gurney (1890-1937): Song of Ciabhan, Tears, and Severn Meadows.” 2nd ed. with Expanded Appendixes. D.M. diss., Indiana University, [June] 1999. [325pp. Go to Abstract. DA9936696, Now available. Two copies of the 1st ed. are available for borrowing from Indiana University Libraries, call number MZ4 .S643.] |
Smith, David Kenneth. “Severn Meadows I: A Background
of Influences,” Ivor Gurney Society Journal 6 (2000): 93-105.
Smith, David Kenneth. “Severn Meadows II: The Actual Catalysts,” Ivor Gurney Society Journal 7 (2001): 81-90. |
Smith, David Kenneth. “Singing Gurney: A History of Recording
and Mandate for the Future,” Ivor Gurney Society Journal
5 (1999): 53-60.
Soon Comes Night (BBC Television South and West), 1983. [David Goodland as Ivor Gurney; Ingrid Hafler as Marion Scott; Jeremy Watkinson, baritone; Christopher Northam, piano. This half-hour drama documentary about Gurney was written, produced and directed by John Elliot. Probably first broadcast between April and December 1983, and repeated in January or February 1984. If you are aware of an upcoming broadcast of this documentary, please contact Ivor@Gurney.net immediately.]
Spear, Hilda D. Remembering, We Forget: A Background Study to the Poetry of the First World War. London: Davis-Poynter, 1979.
Squire, Sir John, Walter de la Mare and Edmund Blunden. “Ivor Gurney: The Poet.” Music and Letters, 19 (January 1938): 7-12.
Stars in a Dark Night (Harlech Television West for Channel 4, November 12, 1989 at 2:00 p.m.), 1989. [David Goodland, Ivor Gurney as an adult; Neil Brinkworth, Ivor Gurney as a child. Written, directed and produced by Bryan Izzard, this is a dramatization of the lives of Gurney, Herbert Howells and Ivor Novello, tracing their fortunes through early youth as pupils of Sir Herbert Brewer to the aftermath of the First World War. Introduced by Benjamin Luxon, who also performed several of Gurney's songs accompanied by David Willison. If you are aware of an upcoming broadcast of this documentary, please contact Ivor@Gurney.net immediately.]
Taylor, Martin. “Ivor Gurney: ‘Only the Wanderer.’” The Imperial War Museum Review 2 (1987): 98-105.
Thomas, Helen. “Memoir of Ivor Gurney.” R.C.M. Magazine 56 (Easter Term, 1960): 10-11.
Thomas, Helen. “A Memory of Ivor Gurney.” Musical Times 101 (1960): 754.
Thornton, Robert Kelsey Rought and George Walter. Ivor Gurney: Towards a Bibliography. Hay-on-Wye: Ivor Gurney Society, 1996. [118 pages. Exhaustively updated on an annual basis in the Ivor Gurney Society Journal. To obtain, contact the Ivor Gurney Society.]
Tomlinson, Charles. “Ivor Gurney’s Best Poems.” Times Literary Supplement 4318 (January 3, 1986): 12.
Trethowan, W. H. [William Henry]. “Ivor Gurney’s Mental Illness.” Music and Letters 62 (July-October 1981): 300-9.
Trethowan, W. H. [William Henry]. “Music and Mental Disorder.” In Music and the Brain: Studies in the Neurology of Music, ed. Macdonald Critchley and R. A. Henson, 416-18. London: Heinemann, 1977.
Vaughan Williams, Ralph, and Herbert Howells. “Ivor Gurney: The Musician.” Music and Letters 19 (January 1938): 12-17.
Walker, Ernest. “Ivor Gurney’s Songs.” Monthly Musical Record 68 (July/August 1938): 169-171.
Ward, D. E. Liz. “Clear Lamps and Dim Stars: New Perspectives on the Work of Ivor Gurney.” Ph.D. thesis, University of Hull, 1995. [L.13]
Ward, D. E. Liz. “An Introduction to Ivor Gurney.” Words 1 (June 1985): 22-25.
Waterman, Andrew. “The Poetic Achievement of Ivor Gurney.”
Quarterly 25 (Winter 1983): 3-19.
Notes: For a more complete bibliography of Gurney materials and further details on these books, articles and dissertations, please consult Thornton and Walter’s Ivor Gurney: Towards a Bibliography. Exhaustively updated on an annual basis in the Ivor Gurney Society Journal. To obtain, contact the Ivor Gurney Society.
To purchase dissertations, note the DA... number, and contact Bell and Howell Information and Learning (UMI, University Microfilms Inc.) at 1-800-521-0600, or search their database online, order via email, or write them at 300 North Zeeb Road P. O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346. Otherwise, ask your local library to borrow a copy via InterLibrary Loan. The oclc# may be helpful in this case.
To acquire copies of articles, check your local library for the journal in question; otherwise, they may order it via InterLibrary Loan.
Another good place to find competitive prices on these books is FetchBook.Info.
Films of Ivor Gurney's life: Soon Comes Night, Stars in a Dark Night
Alpha Index by Author’s Last Name
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C | D | E | F |
G | H | K | L |
M | N | O | P |
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