Orality and Literacy Conference - Geneva College
Image of Orality and Literacy Conference

Orality & Literacy in the Curricula

April 3-4, 2025

Lily Foundation
Conference is sponsored in part by the Lilly Foundation.

Walter J. Ong’s discussion in his influential books The Presence of the Word and Orality & Literacy invite us to ask, what are words and how do words work? Such basic questions, often taken for granted historically, technologically, and theologically, should instead prompt further inquiry. Ong’s contributions suggest we might find fruitful cues for thought by continuing to study modern means of communication. Ong’s reflections on oral patterns of thinking, transitions in writing and printing, and prescient insights regarding our social media technologies provoke stimulating questions worth considering, and in this year’s conference we invite application of his ideas to academic curricula, with our expectation that professors and practitioners in diverse fields will explore these connections.

Register Now


Geneva College | 3200 College Ave. Beaver Falls, PA 15010

Registration Pricing:

  • $125 per guest (General Admission), Includes a dinner banquet plus breakfast, lunch and wrap-up dinner (Friday)
  • $75 for Graduate Students (Any College)
  • Geneva College faculty (PT or FT) have their fee covered by the Lilly Foundation
  • Geneva Students (No fee)


  • Microtel can provide conference-goers a Geneva rate of about $95 + tax



Dr. Jonathan Watt

Professor of English at Geneva College

Phone: 724-847-6725

Email: jwatt@geneva.edu


Orality & Literacy Conference Schedule

Thursday April 3, 2025 


1 – 2 p.m. 

Registration and Orientation/Greeting

Skye Lounge

2 – 5:30 p.m. 

Parallel Sessions


5:30 – 7 p.m. 

Banquet and First Story Telling Presentation

Benedum Room

7 – 8:30 p.m. 

First Keynote Address


Friday April 4, 2025 


9 a.m. – Noon

Parallel Sessions and mid-morning coffee break


Noon – 1:30 p.m.



1:30 – 3 p.m.

Parallel Sessions


3 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Second Keynote Address

Skye Lounge

5 – 6 p.m.


(Hosted by local churches)

There's still time to submit Paper Proposals

Geneva College welcomes submissions for “2nd International Conference on Orality & Literacy in the Curricula”

Send Proposal Submissions To: Attn. Blaine Gutberlet, oralityconference@geneva.edu

  • 300-500 word abstract with a bibliography
  • Word document or PDF
  • All author identification must be removed
  • Indicate any A/V equipment needs