The College - Geneva College
Geneva College Blog

The College

Campus Life The College

August 9, 2024

Making the Most of Campus Resources

Geneva offers many resources to support students as they navigate their transition to college. Whether you are discerning your career path, noticing mental health concerns, trying to make friends, or struggling with schoolwork, Geneva offers resources to mitigate the challenges that students may face.

Adult Students The College

July 2, 2024

What is an Online Degree Program?

A traditional college experience can be especially difficult for adults who need to earn a full-time income. Geneva understands that some students require a more flexible educational experience, which is why we offer online degree programs.

Higher Education Humanities and Liberal Arts The College

January 12, 2024

Geneva Core Curriculum

Have you ever wondered what Geneva's Core Curriculum consists of? Read here to find out!

Higher Education Humanities and Liberal Arts The College

December 14, 2023

What is a Bible College vs. a Christian College?

What is a Bible College? Is Geneva a Bible College? Should I go to a Bible College? The first two questions will be answered here, and hopefully you might gain some clarity about the third.

The College

April 4, 2023

National School Librarian Day

Today is National School Librarian. Learn more about the Geneva College library staff and resources here!

College Archives The College

July 12, 2022

The Geneva Identity

We can learn much from those who came before us. In 1923, President of Geneva College Archibald A. Johnston wrote a forward for the college yearbook highlighting the history, purpose, and doctrine of Geneva. Only 75 years from the founding of the college at Northwood, Ohio, Johnston had a clear understanding of not only the how behind Geneva’s establishment but the why.

The College

July 1, 2022

Five Fun Facts About Geneva (Part 3)

Here in Beaver Falls, there is a ton of history and a load of fun facts that go right along with it. Take a break and read part 3 of our series of fun facts about Geneva.

College Admissions College Preparation The College

June 8, 2022

Summer Orientation

Summer Orientation is designed to welcome both incoming students and parents on a journey together along with Geneva faculty and staff to ensure a well-informed, smooth transition into college. The college strongly recommends that incoming students attend Summer Orientation.

Higher Education The College

May 26, 2022

Geneva Faculty Explore Implications Beyond the Classroom

Geneva College faculty members understand and effectively teach their disciplines with academic excellence in combination with a consistent biblical worldview. In addition to serving students on campus, Geneva professors approach the larger world as thought leaders in the integration of faith and learning. Here are some recent examples.

The College

May 18, 2022

Dr. Kevin DeYoung Commencement Address, Geneva College, May 7, 2022

Dr. Kevin DeYoung works as both a pastor in Christ Covenant Church (PCA) in Matthews, NC, and an Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte. DeYoung delivered his Geneva College Commencement Address, "Whatever You Do, Do Not Be True to Yourself," to the graduating class on May 7, 2022.

Campus Life The College

March 4, 2022

Geneva Student Center Adds Accessibility Lift

The Geneva College Student Center renovation includes a state-of-the-art accessibility lift at the main entrance.

The College

October 18, 2021

6 Benefits of Doing a Double Major in College

When it’s time to choose a major in college, you’re not limited to just one. In fact, you can choose to do a double major instead. But should you do two majors? While it might seem hard to handle more than one major, there are several reasons to do so. The following are some of the top benefits of doing a double major in college. Keep these benefits in mind when you’re deciding whether to do one or two majors.

The College

September 15, 2021

Covey Cup: A Recent Tradition at Geneva College

If you’ve ever been to Geneva College in the fall, you’ve almost definitely heard of Covey Cup, a residence hall competition that started in 2011. Now in its second decade, the annual Covey Cup, which starts on Friday, Sept. 17, 2021, is a recent tradition that students look forward to each year. 

The College

August 10, 2021

Geneva Strong: Class of 2020

The Geneva College senior class of 2020 left for spring break on March 6, 2020, unaware that they would not return to finish their degree on campus. Instead, due to COVID-19 restrictions, the students completed their college careers virtually from home, losing many of the traditional experiences of graduation. (This post was edited and originally published in Geneva Magazine, Summer 2021) Beginning job searches, new jobs or new academic pursuits in the months since was an experience unique to this group, and they have faced a set of challenges and opportunities unlike any other class.

Biblical Wisdom The College

August 6, 2021

"Every Good Work"

Dr. J. Ligon Duncan of Reformed Theological Seminary delivered the spring 2021 Commencement address at Geneva College on May 10, 2021. Here is an excerpt of that message, entitled, "Every Good Work," from 2 Timothy 3. This excerpt first appeared in the Summer 2021 edition of Geneva Magazine.

Campus Life The College

July 8, 2021

4 Benefits of Being a Student-Athlete at Geneva College

Current Geneva College student-athletes can participate in the long tradition of athletic success in any of 19 NCAA Division III varsity sports. There are many benefits for student-athletes to experience in college, including these four that set Geneva apart.

Program Spotlight The College

March 3, 2021

100 Years of Engineering at Geneva College

From two-year surveying course of study to ABET-accredited, nationally ranked program, Geneva engineering is one of Geneva’s vocational education success stories. In this 100th year, Geneva engineering remains an example of academic rigor, collaborative and experiential learning, engagement with industry, and application of Christian principles to a technological, scientific field of study.

Campus Life The College

January 8, 2021

Geneva Campus Life Re-engineered during COVID-19

When Geneva College was forced to move learning online back in March 2020, the staff of Geneva’s Center for Student Engagement (CSE) adapted quickly. To keep students connected despite physical distancing, the CSE staff got creative and organized COVID-safe in-person and virtual events so the community could still thrive.

Biblical Wisdom Everyday Living Faith The College

January 6, 2021

Best of 2020: The Responsibility of Stewardship

In a world that has been impacted by sin, there is always more that can be done to ensure a mindset of good stewardship and redemption. It starts with understanding that God intends to connect man’s physical existence with the environment from which he was brought forth and continues with educating people with sensible information.

The College

December 9, 2020

Why Transfer to Geneva College?

With a few decisive moves, students ready for a change can give action to the idea of transferring and make a smooth transition to Geneva College. 

Campus Life College Preparation The College

December 4, 2020

From Dining Room to Lecture Hall: Transitioning from Homeschool to College

Whatever your experience with homeschooling has been, though, one thing is for sure: college life is not the same. It just so happens to be very, very different. But whether you’ve spent twelve, ten, or only two years learning from home, there’s helpful advice waiting for you in this post.

Faith Higher Education The College

May 7, 2020

National Day of Prayer: Thankful for Our Students

On this National Day of Prayer in the United States, we remember our students in their finals week taking exams, finishing papers and closing out the semester at home. We are thankful that God has provided them and entrusted them into our care during their college years. We pray God will uphold us in this task and them in their challenges.

College Admissions The College

February 13, 2020

Five Famous Geneva Alumni

The point of this blog is to mention REAL Geneva College attendees who accomplished some very interesting and noteworthy things during their life after Geneva.

The College

November 26, 2019

Who is Gerstner?

The John H. Gerstner Collection was installed in 2019 as a permanent fixture in Geneva College's McCartney Library. Open to students and scholars alike, the Gerstner Collection is a treasure of materials dedicated to reformed evangelicalism. With a little background on the man and his raison d'etre in theological circles, Geneva students might be more inclined to engage with this exciting, new resource.

The College

July 18, 2019

Did You Know? Five Fun Facts About Geneva’s History (Part 2)

Throughout Geneva’s history there are some crazy, funny, and interesting occurrences. Five Fun Fact About Geneva’s History (Part 1) was posted a little while ago. However, there are too many interesting facts about Geneva to stop there! So, here is a part two of five fun facts about Geneva College.

Campus Life The College

April 5, 2019

Geneva Core Values: Foster Academic Strength

The Chemistry Department’s academic rigor as an ACS-approved program continues on through the dedication and hard work of the faculty, but the success of the program would be impossible without the intellect, willingness and perseverance of Geneva students.

The College

February 26, 2019

A Foundation for a Right to Education

Celebrating Black History Month - Geneva College has always had a desire to serve a vastly diverse student body. After the Civil War ended, there was push to re-open the doors of the college. This desire for re-establishment had three motivations. 

Campus Life The College

February 11, 2019

Geneva Core Values: Inspire Vibrant Hospitality

When the Geneva community gathers over a meal these days, they swallow hospitality bite by bite, cooked up by Pioneer’s Executive Chef Tom Schlotter. Meals at Alexander Dining Hall and the many banquets on campus are made with the diners in mind – colorful, nutritious, creative food served in a welcoming atmosphere.

Campus Life Study Abroad The College

January 23, 2019

The Harlem Globetrotters: Uniting a Divided World

What better place for a professional basketball team to compete than the birthplace of college basketball? On February 5, 2019, the internationally renowned Harlem Globetrotters will hit Geneva’s courts combining athleticism, theater and comedy as they play on the historic site that set college basketball in motion.

The College

January 15, 2019

Geneva Core Values: Honor One Another

As the college nurse, her responsibility is to take care of the body.  That includes wounds, colds, flus, broken bones, infections, chronic health conditions and much more. However, she says she never sees the students, treats them and lets them go without finding out more about them. She decided early on to look at each student as the unique, individual person of God that he or she is.

The College

December 7, 2018

Geneva Core Values: Pursue Godly Wisdom

Dr. K strenuously preserved the life of the mind. And that energetic life does not end in her mind—she put flesh and bone onto ideas, and a beautiful body it made. She handled things reverently, noticing God in the works we read, the prayer requests we offered, the papers we turned in.

The College

November 19, 2018

Geneva Core Values: Engage Culture Faithfully

Rev. Dr. Richard Wingfield felt God’s call in the 1970s but tried to ignore it. Now, 36 years later, Rev. Wingfield is senior pastor of Unity Baptist Church in Braddock, PA, after studying at the Center for Urban Biblical Ministry (CUBM), Geneva’s partner in engaging urban culture through education and credentialing of church ministers and lay leaders.

The College Uncategorized

November 12, 2018

Honoring Veterans of the Armed Forces

Geneva seeks to honor our veterans through faithful living and working alongside our fellow neighbors and reflecting on their service and sacrifice of those who have served or are serving in the armed forces. The college invites veterans seeking a college education to learn more about Christ-centered education at Geneva College.

The College

October 23, 2018

Geneva Core Values: Serve with Grace

Dr. Elaine Hockenberger would go on to steward Geneva’s Speech Pathology program (now Communication Disorders) and serve her students and co-workers with grace for more than 30 years. Amy Spangenberg ’14 says, “During class, outside of class and during the graduate school application process, Dr. H rejoiced with and prayed for her students.”

The College

October 5, 2018

Welcome Home!

Home is not dependent on the place one was raised, or the college one chooses to attend. Rather, it has everything to do with the people who make the home what it is. Geneva College is a place of welcome, and I felt that my very first day here as a freshman.

The College

September 11, 2018

Geneva College and The Psalms

Geneva College student musical groups, the touring concert choir The Genevans and musical ministry New Song, feature a capella Psalm-singing, introducing audiences all over the world to the richness, beauty and blessings of Psalms to music.

The College

July 5, 2018

Why I Come Back to Geneva Each Year

As each school year approaches, I no longer dread the end of summer vacation the way I did in high school. Geneva College has given me a lot to be thankful to and look forward to each year, and it has given me a lot of reasons to keep coming back.

Campus Life The College

February 1, 2018

Geneva Men’s Volleyball: A New Beginning

Coming in spring 2019, Geneva men will upgrade their volleyball from the club sport level to the NCAA Division III varsity level. Geneva's club men’s volleyball team is nothing short of dominant, and Geneva students expect that high caliber of men's volleyball play to continue in the AMCC.

College Preparation Higher Education The College

September 5, 2017

A Student's Experience in Geneva's L&T

I recall the benefits of L&T when thinking about the week I turned in my first college paper and took my first college test. I did not receive the grades expected. It wasn’t until the following week’s L&T class that I was able to put some of my worries to rest.

The College

March 15, 2017

Did You Know? Five Fun Facts about Geneva’s History

Here are five fun facts about Geneva’s history that will make you a Geneva trivia expert - and you may even stump your professor.

The College

September 5, 2016

Looking Back at Geneva’s Presidents

As Geneva College prepares for the inauguration of its twentieth president this month, we look back on the leaders who helped shape its 168-year history of providing Christ-centered, academically excellent education.

The College

June 27, 2016

Old Main, 135 Years at the Heart of Geneva College

Next time you are on campus, whether you are a visitor or a student who calls Geneva home, please stop and take a moment to appreciate Old Main and the history it represents.