Higher Education - Geneva College
Geneva College Blog

Higher Education

Higher Education Graduate Studies Program Spotlight

February 7, 2024

Master of Arts in Higher Education Program Spotlight

Are you interested in earning a Master of Arts in Higher Education? Read here to learn about the program that Geneva offers!

Higher Education Humanities and Liberal Arts The College

January 12, 2024

Geneva Core Curriculum

Have you ever wondered what Geneva's Core Curriculum consists of? Read here to find out!

Higher Education Humanities and Liberal Arts The College

December 14, 2023

What is a Bible College vs. a Christian College?

What is a Bible College? Is Geneva a Bible College? Should I go to a Bible College? The first two questions will be answered here, and hopefully you might gain some clarity about the third.

Higher Education

January 23, 2023

How the Study of Business Interacts with a Christian Worldview

One might argue that there’s no room for a Christian perspective within a business, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. 

Higher Education

January 10, 2023

What To Do With A Business Degree

Students that study business will graduate with an abundance of marketable skills and an overwhelming variety of career options ahead of them. Read more to learn about possible career paths for business majors.

Higher Education

December 21, 2022

Why Get a Master's in Counseling?

Are you considering pursuing a master’s in counseling? Here are some reasons why getting a master’s in counseling might be right for you.

Higher Education

September 22, 2022

Benefits of L&T Class

Learning and Transition (L&T) is a unique course at Geneva required by all incoming students. But why is it required?

Higher Education The College

May 26, 2022

Geneva Faculty Explore Implications Beyond the Classroom

Geneva College faculty members understand and effectively teach their disciplines with academic excellence in combination with a consistent biblical worldview. In addition to serving students on campus, Geneva professors approach the larger world as thought leaders in the integration of faith and learning. Here are some recent examples.

College Preparation Campus Life Higher Education

May 5, 2022

Three Things Not to Do in College

I am here to tell you that you do not need to be a superhuman to get through college. To survive and thrive all four years of your time in college, or however long it takes, here are some things NOT to do while in college.

Higher Education

April 20, 2021

Why an Internship Could Be the Key to Your Success After Graduation

College students are often consumed by coursework, and they spend a significant amount of time studying for exams and writing term papers about topics related to their chosen major. While it's important to stay focused and earn the best grades possible throughout your college career, you may also want to explore internship opportunities.

Career Higher Education

April 9, 2021

Great Reasons to Be a Writing Major

Writing is one of the best choices as a college major because of the flexibility it gives you in so many different jobs and in your overall vocation. With a writing major, you can be a journalist, teacher, work in any number of public relations offices, write as a freelancer, become a blogger and have a skill that's useful in many other ways.

Higher Education

December 11, 2020

5 Ways To Make a Strong Entrance into the Workforce as a New Graduate

You've spent long hours writing papers and studying for exams. Along the way, you've learned a great deal not only in your major program, but also about what it takes to succeed in the modern workforce. Now, it's time to apply this information as you seek to make your mark in a competitive field. The hard work is just beginning.

College Admissions Higher Education

October 19, 2020

Nothing to Fear: Why Transferring Colleges Is Perfectly Normal

The college transfer process shouldn't be avoided simply because it seems strange or unusual. In reality, it's a perfectly normal approach to making progress towards graduation. The sooner misconceptions about transferring are put to rest, the sooner students can carve the unique paths through college that serve them best.

Higher Education

September 18, 2020

Embracing Educational Benefits: Why is Education Important?

Education is more than going to your classes and doing the work necessary to get a passing grade—it’s about preparing for life! So, use this time wisely and work hard to take advantage of all the benefits a good education has to offer.

Faith Higher Education The College

May 7, 2020

National Day of Prayer: Thankful for Our Students

On this National Day of Prayer in the United States, we remember our students in their finals week taking exams, finishing papers and closing out the semester at home. We are thankful that God has provided them and entrusted them into our care during their college years. We pray God will uphold us in this task and them in their challenges.

Higher Education

April 27, 2020

10 Reasons Why You Should Consider Taking Summer Courses

Electing to attend summer school may cut into your much-needed R&R, but it can pay big dividends in the long run. The following are 10 great reasons to consider attending college summer school courses.

Higher Education

April 20, 2020

Online vs Remote Learning

Online education and remote education, though they both take place on the Internet, are two entirely different formats.

Higher Education

April 16, 2020

Top Tips for Successful Students

Studying for a diploma is certainly challenging, but it's one that every student has the ability to meet and conquer. Here are some tips to help you maintain a good study schedule, earn good grades, and pass your courses with flying colors.

Campus Life Higher Education

March 13, 2020

Four Reasons to Get Involved in College Student Government

Participating in student government at college can enhance your social, intellectual and leadership skills, while at the same time creating a better college experience for everyone. There are many good reasons to get involved in college student government; here are four of them.

College Preparation Higher Education

February 8, 2020

The Value of Dual Enrollment Programs

Families are turning to dual enrollment programs as a way to mitigate the cost of higher education in the United States. At the same time, colleges and universities are promoting the programs as a way to attract students to their undergraduate programs. For families, the growing trend toward early enrollment offers significant positive benefits, but there can be pitfalls.

College Admissions College Preparation Higher Education

October 4, 2019

Taking the First Steps with Closing the Gap

What if I told you there was a way to get a taste of the college experience while also receiving four real college credits? What if I told you that there was an easy way to baby step your way into understanding the college experience without actually attending college?

College Preparation Early College Higher Education

June 26, 2019

5 Benefits of Early College

Is there a way that we could start to conquer some of those fears before even stepping on the campus as a freshman? The answer to that question is "yes." Early college is a great opportunity for high school students to peer into the college experience before going to college full time.

Higher Education

November 5, 2018

Thinking of Changing Your Major?

If you are thinking of changing your major, don’t let your worries get the better of you. Here are seven tips to help you through the decision process.

Higher Education Humanities and Liberal Arts Program Spotlight

April 9, 2018

Annual Dr. Byron I. Bitar Memorial Lecture in Philosophy

Geneva College’s Philosophy Program is pleased to present the 2018 Dr. Byron I. Bitar Memorial Lecturer, Christian philosopher, John F. Crosby on Monday, April 9 at 7 p.m. in Skye Lounge in the Student Center.

Higher Education Humanities and Liberal Arts

March 13, 2018

Adding an Academic Minor

Taking on a minor, or two, is one way to gain verifiable qualifications in an area that either complements your major or expands your skills beyond your major.

Higher Education Program Spotlight

March 7, 2018

Do Nurses Need a BSN?

The U.S. government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) lists registered nurse (RN) as a top growth occupation. There is a trend, however, that might make you take a second look at your plans to stop your nursing education at the RN level.

Higher Education

January 20, 2018

A Message to Juniors: Well done – keep going!

Are college juniors the least talked about and celebrated class of college students? We juniors have the least defined identity of all college students. Three thoughts have helped me manage through junior year, and I hope they help you, as well, fellow junior.

Biblical Wisdom Higher Education Program Spotlight

October 23, 2017

5 Ways to Impact Future Generations with Your Christian Faith and Higher Education Degree

As Christians, we are called to serve and be fishers of men. Education is a field that directly impacts future generations and created an opportunity to instill the gospel into the future leaders of the world.

Campus Life Higher Education

September 18, 2017

Avoiding the “Sophomore Slump”

In the second year of college, some former freshmen who began with such enthusiasm fall victim to what is known as “the Sophomore Slump." Their excitement has turned to annoyance, and instead of being dedicated, they feel dejected. These 5 tips can help.

College Preparation Higher Education The College

September 5, 2017

A Student's Experience in Geneva's L&T

I recall the benefits of L&T when thinking about the week I turned in my first college paper and took my first college test. I did not receive the grades expected. It wasn’t until the following week’s L&T class that I was able to put some of my worries to rest.

Higher Education

June 9, 2017

5 Tips for Conducting an Interview

Geneva College trains students in skills for conducting interviews. If you aren’t comfortable with interviewing someone, it can be a difficult task. Here are some tips to help you if you are conducting an interview.

Higher Education

May 10, 2017

Life after College: Finding Your Way in a Post-Graduation World

You have put in countless hours for this final moment.... Graduation. After the celebration of reaching one of life’s greatest accomplishments, you face the question – “Now what?” Here are some tips for taking the next steps after the diploma.

Campus Life Higher Education

April 17, 2017

Finish Strong

As the semester winds down, the work on final projects and exams ramps up. For many students, the end of the semester is when their most rigorous and intense work and studying arrives, but you can cope with the stress and come out on top ready for summer break.

Higher Education Humanities and Liberal Arts

March 27, 2017

Why Everyone Should Take a Public Speaking Course

Learning the basics of public speaking can greatly benefit your educational growth. There are several ways in which public speaking skills can be beneficial to any college student in any field of study.

Campus Life Faith Higher Education

February 20, 2017

5 Christian Education Myths That Need To Go

Christian universities offer an exceptional avenue to personal enlightenment and professional success. Here are a few of the most bothersome and undeserved myths about religious education.